2014年9月19日 星期五

Sharing the Chores 分擔家務

Ivy’s mother, Rose, is handing out chores for her children, Ivy and Larry, to do while she goes grocery shopping.
R: Rose   L: Larry   I: Ivy
L: What’s up, Mom?
R: I’m going to go to the grocery store to get some things for tonight. I want you guys to clean up the house before your father gets home.
I: OK. What do you need us to do?
R: Ivy, you worry about the kitchen, the garage, and downstairs. Larry, you can sweep the floor, wash the windows, clean the toilets, take out the garbage, and tidy up the bedrooms.
L: Why do I have more to do than Ivy?
R: Because Ivy does her homework and doesn’t get in trouble at school like you do.
L: That’s not fair.
I: Mom, what time will Dad get home?
R: He should be here by three.
I: Then we’d better hurry up then.
L: Can Ivy at least take out the garbage?
R: When I start to get phone calls from Ivy’s teacher, then she’ll take out the garbage.
I: Yeah. You’d better hop to it, Larry.

賴 瑞: 什麼事,媽?
蘿 絲: 我要去雜貨店買些今天晚上要用的東西。在你們的爸爸回家前,我希望你們能打掃好房子。
艾 薇: 好的。妳要我們做什麼?
蘿 絲: 艾薇,妳來清理廚房、車庫還有樓下。賴瑞,你來掃地、洗窗戶、清馬桶、把垃圾拿出去倒和整理房間。
賴 瑞: 為什麼我要做的事比艾薇還多?
蘿 絲: 因為艾薇都會寫好功課,而且不像你會在學校惹麻煩。
賴 瑞: 那不公平。
艾 薇: 媽,爸什麼時候回家?
蘿 絲: 他三點前應該會回來。
艾 薇: 那我們最好趕快來做家事了。
賴 瑞: 艾薇可以至少把垃圾拿出去倒嗎?
蘿 絲: 當我開始接到艾薇學校老師的電話時,她就會把垃圾拿出去倒了。
艾 薇: 沒錯。賴瑞,你最好快一點來做家事。

hand out...   分配/分發……
Johnny helped Lydia hand out the textbooks to the students.
fair a. 公平的;合理的
It’s not fair to ask Eric to do all the work just because he is the smartest student in this group.


