2014年9月23日 星期二


The US is not the only popular place in the world for people who dream of hanging out with ghosts. In England, everything is much older, so there have been many more reported cases of ghosts and paranormal activity. Recently, the city of York was named the most haunted city in England by the Ghost Research Foundation International. Officials in York are hoping to use this to promote tourism by doing ghost walks and other events.
At the York Theatre Royal, many performers claim to have encountered the Gray Lady. This is the ghost of a nun that was buried alive in the theater as punishment for having an affair with a nobleman. Instead of being scared, many people welcome the sight of the Gray Lady because she is supposed to bring them luck during their performances. Ghost tourism is always an interesting experience no matter where in the world it may be.


encounter [ In`kZUntK ] vt. 偶然邂逅,意外遇見
Anna encountered her favorite singer at the mall.
bury [ `bErI ] vt. 埋,埋葬
Stephanie buried her dead bird in the backyard.
punishment [ `pVnISmJnt ] n. 處罰,懲罰
Larry’s punishment for littering was three hours of picking up trash from the streets.


