2014年8月28日 星期四

The Brussels Flower Carpet 花海巡禮 ── 布魯塞爾花毯節

Brussels is a city so beautiful that it hardly needs any decoration. Once every two years, its beauty is at its highest when a carpet is laid out over its most beautiful landmark, the Grand Place Square. This might sound strange, to cover a monument with a carpet, but when you understand that the carpet is made of nearly one million flowers, it paints a much prettier picture.
The floral masterpiece was first designed in 1971. The carpet is 77 meters by 24 meters and is made in a different pattern each time. Begonias are the only flower used in the production of the carpet. They are chosen for their strength and the vivid colors they come in.
布魯塞爾是一座相當美麗的城市,幾乎不需要任何的妝點。每隔兩年,花毯會在該市最美麗的地標 ── 布魯塞爾大廣場之中開展,此時是布魯塞爾最美的時候。為布魯塞爾大廣場這個歷史遺跡鋪上毯子或許聽起來很奇怪,但是當您知道這是用將近一百萬朵花所做成的花毯時,腦中勾勒出的是一幅更加動人的如畫美景。
這幅花卉名作於 1971 年首次被設計出來。花毯長 77 米,寬 24 米,每次都有不同的圖案。秋海棠是製作花毯時唯一用到的花卉。人們選擇秋海棠是因為它的強韌還有其鮮艷的顏色。 


◎lay out... / lay...out  展開……
→The magician took out a new deck of cards and began to lay them out on the table.
◎landmark (n.) 地標
→Taipei 101 is one of the most important landmarks in Taiwan.
◎floral (a.) 用花製作的;用花裝飾的
◎begonia (n.) 秋海棠
◎vivid (a.) 鮮豔的;生動的
→These stories give a vivid picture of how people lived back in the 18th century.

