2014年8月21日 星期四

【一生必讀的英文小說】- 遠大前程(下)

Great Expectations(1860-1861)

最大的期望(great expectations)。小說中很多精彩的描寫都是放

愛情與激情(love and passions)
I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard, / to look at
my coarse hands and my common boots. / My opinion of those
accessories was not favorable. / They had never troubled me
before, / but they troubled me now, / as vulgar appendages / I
wished Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, / and
then I should have been so too. (我利用獨自在庭院的機會,/
看看自己粗糙的雙手及粗俗的鞋子,/ 對這些配件並無好感,,/
前從來沒有困擾我,/ 但是現在卻困擾我,/ 有如低俗的附加物,
/ 真希望Joe應該較有教養,/ 而我也是。
She came beck, / with some bread and meat / and a little mug of
beer. She put the mug down of the stones of the yard, / and
gave me the bread and meat / without looking at me, / as
insolently as I were a dog in disgrace. / I was so humiliated, /
hurt, / spurned, / offended,/ angry, / sorry…/ that my tears started
to my eyes. / The moment they sprang there, / the girl looked at
me / with a quick delight in / having been the cause of them.(
她回來,/ 帶著麵包、肉、/ 及一小杯啤酒,/ 將杯子放在院子的
石頭上,給我麵包及肉,/ 沒有看我一眼,/ 無禮地視我如卑賤
的狗。/ 我如此被羞辱、/ 受傷、/ 輕斥、/ 觸怒、/ 憤怒、/ 難過
……/ 淚水湧上眼眶。/ 淚水流的刹那,/ 女孩望著我,/ 帶著短
暫的喜悅,/ 是她引起我的淚水。)

look at my coarse hands and my common boots),他希望他姐
Joe及自己應該更有教養些。此處使用假設法(has been rather
More genteelly brought up I should have been so too),表示

Miss Havisham報復男人的工具。Estella被訓練成無法付出感情
Miss Havisham說:
“I begin to think,” said Estella,, ”If you had brought up your
Adopted daughter wholly in the dark confinement of these
Rooms, and had never let her know that there was such a thing
As the daylight by which she has never once seen your face-if
You had done that, and then, for a purpose had wanted her to
Understand the daylight and know all about it, you would have
Been disappointed and angry?”(如果你扶養你的養女完全在這些

有心的女性(a girl without a heart),仍願意付出:真心的告白,
You are part of my existence, / part of myself. You have been
in every line I have ever read, / since I came here, / the rough
common boy / whose poor heart you wounded even then. / You
have been in every prospect / I have even seen since / --on the
river, / on the sails of the ships, / on the marshes, / in the clouds, /
in the light, / in the darkness, / in the wind, / in the woods, / in
the sea, / in the streets. / You have been the embodiment of
every graceful fancy / that my mind has ever become
acquainted with / Estella, to the last hour of my life, / you
cannot choose but remain part of my character, / part of the little
good in me, / part of the evil. / But, in this separation / I
associate you with the good, / and I will faithfully hold you to that
always, / for you must have done me fat more good / than harm,
/ let me feel now what sharp distress I may. / O God bless you, /
God forgive you!”
(你是我生命的一部份,/ 是我的一部份,/ 你存在於我所讀的每
一行字裡,/ 自從我來此,/ 那個粗俗的男孩,/ 你曾傷害其憐
心靈。/ 你存在於所有視野中,/ 我曾看到的 / 在河上、/ 在船帆上
/ 在溼地裡、/ 在雲端、/ 在光亮中、/ 在黑暗中、/ 在風裡、/
樹林裡、/ 在海裡、/ 在街道上。/ 你一直以來象徵所有優雅的想
像,/ 我內心所能熟悉的一切…/ Estella,直到我生命的最後時
刻,/ 你仍是我的一部份,/ 內心的一點善,/ 也是邪惡的一部份
/ 但是,在此分離的時刻,/ 我只想到你的善,/ 我永遠忠實地
對你如此,/ 因為你對我做的善絶對大於 / 對我的傷害,/ 現在我
感受到強烈的悲痛。/ 願上帝祝福你,/ 願上帝原諒你!)

  就是這點善的聯想(the good)Pip能夠體諒Estella悲哀一生
I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place;
and as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the
forge, so, the evening mists were rising now, and in all the
broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw
no shadow of another parting from her.(在晚霧裡,,延伸的寧

