2014年5月5日 星期一

【英語補給】--長白雲之國 紐西蘭

The Land of the Long White Cloud

長白雲之國 紐西蘭

Owen and Christy are on a marae, traditional
Maori tribal meeting grounds.
O: Owen
C: Christy
T: Tribesman
T: The next thing you'll get to experience is an ancient Maori war dance called the Ka Mate haka.
O: Can we just watch from the sidelines, or do we have to learn the steps, too?
T: All we ask is that you observe respectfully as it's being performed.
C: What can we expect to see?
T: You'll be presented with a fierce display of Maori pride, strength, and unity.
O: Since the Ka Mate is a war dance, will there be fighting and blood?
T: No. My tribe brothers will only be stomping their feet violently while chanting loudly. They'll also be making mean facial gestures by sticking out their tongues and showing the whites of their eyes.
C: That must really be a terrifying sight to see.


部落族人:你們下一個要體驗的是稱做「Ka Mate 哈卡舞」的古代毛利戰舞。
歐  文:我們可以只在場外欣賞,或是我們也要學舞步?
部落族人:一場展現毛利人驕傲、力量及團結的激烈演出將呈現在你 們面前。
歐  文:既然 Ka Mate 是一種戰舞,那會有打鬥和血腥的場面嗎?部落族人:不會。我的部落弟兄們只會在吟唱時猛力地跺腳。他們也會用吐舌頭和翻白眼來做出可怕的臉部表情。


respectfully adv. 恭敬地
Remember to greet the customers respectfully when they enter.
fierce a. 兇狠的,兇猛的
That tribe was said to be fierce and warlike.
stomp vi. 重踩,跺腳
chant vi. & vt. 吟唱;(反覆地)喊叫 


