2014年10月9日 星期四


Toronto Film Festival to kick off season of buzz
The commodity that most fuels the fervor of the annual Toronto International Film Festival is that elusive lifeblood of Hollywood's awards season: buzz.
That's what the major films will be seeking at TIFF, which opens Thursday with the premiere of the Robert Downey Jr.courtroom drama "The Judge." The festival packs some 285 feature films into 10 days of north-of-the-border moviegoing gluttony.
TIFF 4日揭開序幕時,將首演小勞勃道尼的法庭劇情片「法官」,而各主要電影在影展中尋求的就是製造話題。10天的影展期間,將播映285部劇情片,是美國邊界之北的電影盛宴。
An eager reception. A hearty standing ovation. Viral tweets.These are the seeds that many of the fall's most anticipated films will hope to sow in Toronto, the first sprouts of _they hope _ lengthy Oscar campaigns.
Toronto is where best picture-winning films like ``The King's Speech'' and ``Slumdog Millionaire'' debuted, and while there isn't an obvious 2014 candidate to that lineage,there are a host of films looking to capture Toronto's spotlight.

